A Safe Haven, LLC (“ASHF”)), was initially formed in 1994 to operate supportive housing OASA licensed recovery homes. Since that time, ASHF has expanded its mission to operate low-income housing and has fifteen years operating experience providing housing and supportive services to low-income tenants. In 2003, Safe Haven began operating and managing residential properties for low-income individuals and currently has over 29 locations of various continuums of care totaling over 650 apartment units.
The first KMA Holdings series was formed in 2002 and is a real estate holding company that acquires, rehabs and develops multifamily properties.
KMA-ASH has significant experience in acquiring properties in blighted areas and redeveloping them into properties that enhance and improve the surrounding communities. In 2008, A Safe Haven, LLC and KMA Holdings III, LLC won the Good Neighbor award for its redevelopment of 4031-37 W Gladys as part of the Lawndale Restoration program with HUD, Community Investment Corporation and the City of Chicago. We were selected ahead of a group that included more than 20 other developers that were part of that program and many others in the City. The unique combination of development expertise and social service programs distinguishes us from the competition, and is a key component in the stability of our housing units.
KMA-ASH is a Qualified Developer through Chicago’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program.

Communities United is a grassroots community organization that addresses the root causes of social, racial and economic injustice at a neighborhood, citywide, statewide and national level. Communities United accomplishes this by uniting diverse youth and adults in Chicago's northwest side and through the development of city and statewide coalitions to build powerful and broad based alliances across the city and state.
Through a community organizing approach, Communities United develops leaders to build power to address issues and bring about policy change around the areas of affordable housing, education reform, health care justice, immigrant rights, youth rights and living wage.
Communities United was formed in 2000 in Chicago's northwest side under the name Albany Park Neighborhood Council (APNC). Building off of years of growth in the scope of the organization's impact, and in the geographic region APNC worked in-- the organization's leadership elected to change the organization's name to Communities United in 2014.